I have attempted to take advantage of the education opportunity in my High School career by choosing the Advanced Placement degree. This consisted of four years of Honors English, A.P. Math through Calculus, A.P.Science and Spanish 1 and 2. With my chosen curriculum I successfully earned an advanced High School diploma.
Extra curricular activities include Varsity Tennis, Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Spanish Club, Drama Club, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and the Hazel Green Trojan Ambassadors (HGTA).
My dream is to one day become an accomplished attorney owning a law firm. I dream of sharing my life with my large family and I hope to be capable of serving as an active philanthropist in my community. Through hard work, strong Christian morals, and outstanding support from family and friends I look forward to the challenge that stands between me and my dream.
I greatly appreciate the support that you and your foundation has provided. Thank you and I wish you the best of luck with your mission.
Stay Strong, :Chris) |